
Apparently, the high and mighty administration at the University of Wisconsin is vowing to stop playing the infamous “Jump Around” song at their football games, until the student section stops chanting “Eat Shit, Fuck You”.

Madison – Andy Baggot – Several people, all much smarter than me, have come forth with a reasonable solution to the irreverent cheer from students at University of Wisconsin football games. It’s all based on the principle of leverage.

If the offending chant is heard at Camp Randall Stadium before the fourth quarter, then “Jump Around’’ won’t be played. If, predictably, the profanities come to life after “Jump Around’’ is played, then one of the most iconic celebrations in all of college football goes away for the next game … or games.

The three remaining home dates in November — the Badgers play Brigham Young on Nov. 9; Indiana on Nov. 16; Penn State on Nov. 30 — should give this concept a suitable test run should it be implemented. Instead of pleas and directives from UW authority figures, which clearly haven’t worked over the years, you give those in the student section an option going forward. They can either continue to offend or they can continue to participate in one of the coolest in-game rituals in all of college sports.

Hey, they’re smart kids. They’ll do the right thing.

Could you imagine the repercussions should Jump Around be outright banned? It would be pure mayhem. I’m talking riots in the street of Madison, students downright boycotting class and football games. Probably 36 straight hours of popping Molly and jumping around on legitimately everything in sight. Pure bedlam. I’m 100% on board should the students chose to riot.

I mean seriously how can you possibly cut out this American staple. Jump Around is to Wisconsin Football as is cheese to their income. Don’t you do it UW authorities, don’t you dare.

Now cue the music:
