RoryBendsClub_originalI agree with his assertion that Merion was a frustrating course, no question about that and like humans that we are, we eventually have to release some of that built up frustration and anger and sometimes that means attempting to snap your 9 iron in half. Happens to the best of us.

That being said, I feel like if you are going to attempt to snap your club in half on live TV, then I think you have to actually snap it in half, no half fasting it, right? I don’t care how long it takes to snap it in half, you have to fully commit to the challenge, going 50% is no bueno in my book. If you are a quitter when it comes to snapping your club, then you are going to be a quitter on the course as well. Never leave anything in the gas tank, 110% effort all the time, no excuses.

I’d be more embarrassed that I couldn’t snap a club in half, brutal. McIlroy, pull your shit together man!
